The Cathedral of St. Philip - Atlanta, GA

The Word Became Flesh And Dwelt Among Us! Tidings Of Comfort And Joy!

An article from the Cathedral Times
by the Very Reverend Samuel G. Candler,
Dean of the Cathedral of St. Philip

Thank you, thank you, thank you, for celebrating the Word made flesh here at the Cathedral of St. Philip. These past days of Christmas celebration have been glorious, full of joy and full of wonder-from the exuberant Children's Pageant to our moving "Cathedral Without Walls" Eucharist with the homeless-from the tender lessons and carols services to the magnificent Christmas Eve services- and then to Christmas Day with its rest and adoration.

These celebrations occur because of the faithful dedication of parishioners-YOU!-who give so freely of your time and energy during a busy season. I thank all of you-acolytes, choristers, musicians, altar guild, ushers, vergers, readers, priests, intercessors, flower guild, deacons, pageant workers, bishops, nursery workers, Eucharistic ministers, youth workers, teachers, staff members, outreach workers, cookie bakers, gift wrappers, builders, financial counselors, roof repairers, leak fixers, umbrella carriers, television workers-ALL of you! Each of you helped to honor the Word made flesh, here at the Cathedral and in the city of Atlanta.

Now, a new year awaits us. And a new call for the Cathedral beckons us. Our theme for this past Fall, and for our 2010 stewardship season, has been "Joy and Wonder." The generosity, especially the year-end generosity, of friends and members has been overwhelming. Thank you for celebrating joy and wonder at the Cathedral!

This Christmas season repeats the sounding joy. We have been singing of "comfort and joy." I pray that God will call us to proclaim tidings of comfort and joy throughout the 2010 year. The world needs the quality of comfort and joy that this Cathedral supplies. The world needs the Cathedral of St. Philip, and the Cathedral of St. Philip needs you!

Merry Christmas to you! And, remember, you are invited to be with us twelve days after Christmas Day, at our annual Epiphany party (Thank you to the ever hospitable Chapman family!) Blessed Epiphany to you! Comfort and Joy to you!

Sam Candler signature



The Very Rev. Sam Candler