The Cathedral of St. Philip - Atlanta, GA

Another Homecoming? A Second Coming!

An article from the Cathedral Times
by the Very Reverend Samuel G. Candler,
Dean of the Cathedral of St. Philip

Yes, some people missed Homecoming Sunday on August 16. Some people even missed the three great Sundays after that. So, this Sunday we have a Second Homecoming! I am considering calling this Sunday the "Second Coming!" If there was any doubt that summer is over, Labor Day and this past week have proved it. Classes and rehearsals and routines and projects are well underway.

So, this Sunday we celebrate a "Second Coming." A month ago, we invited every ministry in the church to display its work at our "Muffins and Ministry" fair on Homecoming Sunday. The event was tremendous. Now, a month afterward, at our Second Coming, we will bless all those ministries liturgically.

Come to church services prepared to bless on Sunday. I will ask members and volunteers of each of our lay ministries to stand for a special commissioning and blessing. There's a good chance most of the congregation will be standing. This parish is strong and vibrant because people are involved! We will bless and commission your ministry this Sunday at the 8:45 and the 11:15 services.

Plus, we will also install our new Canon for Music, Dale Adelmann. Dale's presence in our community and on the Cathedral staff has already started with fresh vigor and delight. As of this Sunday, September 13, we will have him officially installed as our Canon for Music (we will do that at both the 8:45 and the 11:15 services).

Finally, the Dean's Forum will begin a special three week series this Sunday: General Convention 2009 and The Anglican Communion. This Sunday, September 13, I will review the General Convention of the Episcopal Church which was held in July. On September 20 and 27, I will attempt an overview of unity issues in the broader Anglican Communion of Churches. What is the Anglican Communion of Churches and how does The Episcopal Church fit in it? Join us Sundays at 10:10 am.

Sam Candler signature



The Very Rev. Sam Candler